Amy enjoys long floats in liquid, eating plankton, and asexual reproduction through binary fission. Check her out fellas, she’s a Eukaryote, and she’s single…celled! Har har har.
In this comic, Amy is a single-celled organism who wants to teach us about Amoebas. She has her own identity, which becomes problematic when she splits in two, producing two Amys! Both Amy thinks she is THE Amy. Then one of them divides again, resulting in a total of three Amys (at which point they start assuming new names to distinguish themselves from their exact replicas). Then there are four, and so on.
Short humorous scenes tell the story of societies that develop and clash. Religions develop over the devotion to the original Amy Amoeba, at times its adherents are persecuted, and sometimes they are the oppressors. There are slaves and masters who are of the exact same genetic material.
Jason uses a lot of humor in Who is Amy Amoeba, but it’s not humor for humor’s sake. Jason uses Amoebas as a stand in for humans, who while far more complex than a single celled organism, are guilty of the same sorts of hubris and arbitrary divisions seen in the comic. Jason’s humor shows us just how absurd we all are.
“Who Is Amy Amoeba? works wonderfully because of [Jason’s] commitment to his premise and the simplicity of its execution.”
-Rob Clough, The Comics Journal [Full Review]
“…Jason pulls it off admirably.”
-Optical Sloth [Full Review]
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