The Mourning Star is an epic post-apocalyptic tale of survival and friendship by Kazimir Strzepek. Taking place one year after a comet inexplicably diverts from its celestial course, and smashes into a planet’s surface. The cataclysm destroyed civilization, and allowed for new cultures to emerge. Now we follow an ensemble of characters as they work toward goals, some personal, some secret, and some forgotten even by themselves!
In this volume, we meet Klavir and Wilm, two travelers heading toward the Northern Cross, a major artery of traders, bandits, and thieves. Klavir is in search of his girlfriend, Lucia, who has been kidnapped. Wilm, an war veteran is heading to meet up with his nephew, the only family he has left. Joining them as they traverse the dangerous mountains if Futch, a ghost-like creature who feeds on dreams and can turn invisible!
Wandering in the desert is a figure unknown to even himself, but when he’s not going crazy from dehydration and loneliness, he finds he is a deft fighter whose weapons of choice are super-sharp scissors. In one confrontation, he learns his kind is known as a “Snipper Sniper.”
Within the borders of tightly-guarded cities, we also meet many members of the Rule, a gang of thugs who have become the defacto post-catastrophe government. Members like Sleehand, Daggerface, and their boss, Master Seed all vie for superiority in their organization.
Everyone is fun to meet and read in Kazimir’s winding tale, important and inconsequential character alike! Kazimir mixes his cartoony style and light hearted humor with a grim brutality of a post-apocalyptic landscape. Characters can be injured or killed without warning (and often fairly gruesomely), and Kazimir seems to revel in the opportunity to draw these decapitations, lost limbs, and giant centipede guts! It all works well together for an enjoyable and compelling read. While he takes his time to build the story, by the end of the first volume, you can see paths converging, and the promise of many questions answered in the future!
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