In which the East Village Inky’s Chief Primatologist, Ayun Halliday harnesses her mastery of the run-on sentence in service of a truly worthy subject: NYC MUSEUMS!
From biggies like MoMA and the Met to the teeny tiny Barber Shop Museum, let Ayun drag you to dang near every museum in NY fckn CÂ in 40 jam-packed, fun-filled, highly opinionated, handwritten and illustrated pages. Its handy pocket-sized format makes for unparalleled reading, whether you’re taking the subway to a NYC museum, or plotting your next trip in some faraway armchair.
Winner 2002, Best Zine, CLMP Firecracker Awards for Independently Published Literature
“… I haven’t been to New York since I was a teenager, and reading this definitely made me think about booking a trip.”
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