Whit Taylor’s semi-autobiographical minicomics series Madtown High chronicles the lives of high-schoolers as they navigate social and academic challenges. Told through vignettes starring Whit’s alter-ego, Wren, these stories will evoke a flood of memories for those of us who have lived through high school. For those who are experiencing, or about to experience high school, they may be viewed as a comfort a guide or a warning, though we all know how little anything can prepare you for those four liminal years between childhood and adulthood!
In This Issue:
Wren laments a lack of romance as the anticipation of the end of the world looms. Her friends enjoy sleep-overs and scavenger hunts, and gee whiz, is Ms. Rawlins, the honors Physics teacher the only cool adult in the world?! This issue contains both the funniest and sweetest wordless single-panel moments of the series!
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