Crushes! Jealousy! The magic of New Years Eve! Liz Prince’s series about finding love, I Swallowed the Key to my Heart, starts with a punch in the gut. Spending New Years in Santa Fe, Liz is hung up on an ex in Boston who’s not answering her texts, which could mean a lot of things, most importantly, he’s having fun without her. What better solution is there than to get drunk and make out! But when the wrong guy makes advances, and a friend makes advances on the right guy, things get tough for Liz.
Liz Prince is known for her short gag comic strips about love (Delayed Replays) and being single (Alone Forever), but I Swallowed the Key to my Heart is Liz’s first long-form comic. She easily proves her skills telling longer stories. This comic perfectly captures the feelings of a specific moment in singledom: the lingering emptiness of getting over someone, the spark of excitement at the slightest suggestion someone you like might like you, and the sinking feeling as you see them flirt with someone else.
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