Heartbreak Quadrant by Barrett Stanley chronicles the adventures of Ida and Kumi, a pair of intergalactic salvagers.
In Phase Three, Kumi, Ida, and new friend Riddy, have kidnapped Nim, who’s bent on revenge against the team for ruining her mission. Their space ship, The Red Grapefruit, is having some mechanical problems, and can’t get off a planet that’s slowly being consumed by a self-replicating mechanical acid. Ida hooks up an old holographic AI personal assistant to help with repairs, but the crew soon finds Nim has escaped, and a second highly deadly agent of the Owner Corporation is hot on their trail, and interested in death and destruction.
More so than the previous two volumes of Hearbreak Quadrant, Barrett builds out the back story and personalities of the growing cast. We connect on an emotional level with most of them, all while still have a bunch of sci-fi fun!
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