The theory of evolution. The delivery of flowers to a widow from her late husband. The uses of mythology. Putting a dying animal out of its misery. Unavoidable ghosts. These themes swirl around in an inventive and moving comic, Ghost by Whit Taylor. Whit is granted the ability to meet the ghosts of three of her idols, and in dream-like vignettes. She meets up with Charles Darwin to talk about the gradual and violently sudden moments in evolution. Whit floats to the moon with Joseph Campbell to talk about how societies and individuals can understand themselves better through mythology. But the one person Whit never expected to see turns out to be her third idol.
Ghost is an complex comic about trauma, with an effectively disjointed narrative that starts off deceptively lighthearted and analytical. But maybe I’ve said too much, as so much of the strength of Whit’s writing is how the story unfolds. Ghost is a haunting work of autobiography that is very honest, revealing and inspiring.
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