Futile Comics is a one-person comics anthology by Mike Centeno. Futile Comics explores our odd struggle to get through life in one piece. Through short stories, Mike dives into personal concerns, societal expectations, interpersonal drama, and philosophical conundrums!
In This Issue:
Our protagonist is a 20-something woman just trying to keep it together. In every aspect of her public life -her commute, working out at the gym, her retail job- she has to navigate uncomfortable social situations. Often in the form of harassment, unwanted advances, and objectification, the (intentionally?) unnamed main character faces inappropriate and rude comments by a cavalcade of selfish people. Her training in retail (the customer is always right) has conditioned her to just grin and bare it, until she can get away from the situation…but deep inside she is squirming, and the emotional stress is rotting her insides.
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