Great scott! Issue two of Everything Quantizes focuses on the relationship we have with technology, and how we perceive it historically. Does the object created -in our case typography- influence our ideas of the object, or do our ideas of the object influence the object?
Kate points out typography’s history is not a linear one -as if the first iteration directly and singularly influences the next, like falling dominos- but since much older typefaces exists side by side with newer ones, to understand typography’s history, one has to look at many moments at once, as well as outside technological and cultural influences. She also seems to suggest the idea that typography could be its own self-perpetuating system as well, that it can be both exist influenced by its surroundings, as well as independent of its surroundings.
While still accessible, Kate tackles more complex ideas in this second issue. Â Some essays are a challenge to wrap one’s head around, but totally worth the effort!
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