Rob lives in a tiny dust-bowl town, and works a menial job in the office of a factory in town. After work, he makes his way to the bar where his sister, Ambria, works. After that he stops by Hank’s Liquor Store. After that, he wakes up and goes to work again. Rob hates his life, but has no motivation to change his situation…but cosmic forces may be at play to change his life for him!
In this issue, we meet our cast of characters:
Rob, who used to have fun, but is now in a rut,
Ambria, his care-free sister, who is concerned for Rob,
Trip, Ambria’s new girlfriend, who can’t seem to stay on Rob’s good side.
In Dead-End Rob, Luke Howard is crafting a fun story that tackles depression and life’s grind with a refreshing irreverence. Snark and sarcasm drips from much of the dialog, but at their core, Luke has created characters who care about each other. Luke’s cartoony style of thick lines, and soft edges make the comic a lot of fun to read, and its cliff-hanger end makes you scramble for issue two!
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