In City Chickens, award-winning cartoonist* Jess Ruliffson documents the presence of a community garden in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and the life it provides to not only locals but also a collective of urban-dwelling Gallus gallus domesticus, a.k.a. the common chicken.
*Invisible Wounds, winner of the 2014 Society of Illustrators MoCCA Award of Excellence, also published by So What? Press.
Praise for City Chickens:
“Ruliffson shows people at the front of complex issues and never steers away from their humanity — I love her work.”
– Matt Bors, cartoonist
“Jess Ruliffson gives a voice to the silent and pulls the marginalized into the light. Her comix take an intimate moment and expand it into a brilliant visual conversation.”
– Gregory Benton, cartoonist
“An excellent bit of reportage.”
– Rob Clough, High-Low
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