In celebration of Whit Taylor’s series, Fizzle being nominated for an Ignatz Award, we’re offering free PDF downloads of the first three issues until September 11. Read them here:
Download Fizzle No. 1
Download Fizzle No. 2
Download Fizzle No. 3
If you prefer physical comics over digital ones, you can order copies here:
Purchase Fizzle No. 1
Purchase Fizzle No. 2
Purchase Fizzle No. 3
Or subscribe to the first five issues:
Fizzle Subscription
Subscribers receive new issues before anyone else, get deep discounts on shipping, and exclusive bonus items!
You can vote for the Ignatz Awards!
Register by September 7th here.
See all the nominees here. (Congratulations Ben Passmore, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Isabella Rotman, Melissa Mendes, Sage Coffey, and all the other nominees!)
Watch the Ignatz Awards Ceremony 8:00pm EDT on September 12 on the Small Press Expo YouTube channel.