Observant readers of our monthly newsletter will have noticed a fun new drawing by Sage Coffey at the bottom of our most recent correspondence. Sage designed a new sticker for us, and we think it looks amazing!
How can one get their hands on this sticker, you might ask. We’re including one or two in every order we receive, we’re including a small stack when shops place wholesale orders (so be sure to visit your favorite local shop, and encourage them to order titles from us), and we’ll have them at our table at comics and zine fests at which we’re exhibiting (MoCCA, TCAF, CAKE, mmore TBA)! We’re also shipping a handful to Sage, so be nice to them, and maybe they’ll give you a sticker too.
Last week Ryan Carey from Ryan C’s Four Color Apocalypse wrote “Whit Taylor’s Fizzle is really finding its footing as one of the outstanding naturalist comic book narratives of our time.” We agree!